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a bit about me:

Hello there! My name is Nikki Strickland. I write by the name of Nikki Luve. I am a 27-year-old single mother of a beautiful 4-year-old little girl. She is absolutely amazing and a true inspiration. I have been in school long enough to have a Ph.D. or Doctorate degree by now. I am widely knowledgable in many different areas of study, which in my opinion, is better than just having a focused area of expertise.


Being knowledgable in many different areas of study allows you to see how easily things piece together and how everything is truly connected. From my experience, thus far in life, many situations begin with something so significantly small and turn into something big.


I have plenty of common sense. I am also highly intuitive and have plenty of street smarts as well. I catch onto things very easily and very fast. Experience, in my opinion, is really our best teacher. Sometimes, things take longer to progress because we simply need to learn certain things that will benefit us later, on our journey .


From all of my years in college, I would have to say, I have learned more from personal experience than anything I have learned in school. My life's journey has not been easy, yet, it has made me a very intelligent, versitle, imaginative, practical and highly intuitive individual.


So, if you would like to know more about me, I challenge you to explore the site. You may find me to be quite an unique individual, yet, that's okay too. For, if we were all the same, this would be quiet a boring world - don't you think?

"Sometimes, the most profound knowledge to be acquired is learned,

not taught.


Yet, to have the ability to intercorrelate personal experience with subjects of study that are in direct conjunction to that of the experience, makes for an extremely intelligent individual."


- Nikki Love


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This is done to protect certain individuals information, as well as, to protect my work from being stollen or copied - as it has been before.

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